This sequel follows that first title slavishly, moving the conflict from SC3's medieval Europe to the sandpit of the Middle East, and reintroducing many of the features that made the first game such a success - a load of fun new units as mercenaries, skirmish-based campaigns against AI enemies with personalities, and a whole lot of sand. The original isometric Stronghold Crusader was released way back in 2002, a year after Stronghold, and both were very well-received. It's a great period for the Stronghold series to return to. A particularly fine example of said internecine monotheism was the long period of the Crusades, when a load of nobles wearing steel onesies were pressure-cooked in the sun whilst hundreds of servants died killing the distressed locals in spectacular sieges. That sacred place where people of all faiths have convened to massacre each other in the name of the same god since the year dot.