MathType applies mathematical spacing rules automatically as you type.
With Automatic Formatting, you can create equations quickly by choosing templates from MathType's palettes and plugging and chugging data into its empty slots. You can also use its point and click editing features. The app makes use of Windows 7's built-in handwriting recognition, though you'll need a PC with a touch screen in order to use this feature. MathType allows you to enter mathematical equations as easily as you would write math with paper and pencil. It constructs mathematical expressions on your Windows PC. It was just easier, and a lot more affordable than any programmatic alternative. I had access to word processors and such, but they were DOS based, and at the time, most people hand crafted complex mathematical expressions in their documents. Windows didn't really become Windows until well after I graduated from college.
Back when I was in college, Windows wasn't around. One of the biggest problems I remember having way back in the day was writing papers for either my math or physics classes. Construct complex mathematical equations for your documents with this easy to use Windows tool.